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Subject [review] We miss our time in Korea . Date 23.12.31
Writer Lolly (Germany) Search 101
Dear Lee, dear Shin

We are very sorry that we failed to leave a review on bookings. It was very hectic for us after vacations. We will try to make this possible somehow.
In any case, these 2 weeks at Seochon Guesthouse were unforgettable for us. You were a wonderful host. We really enjoyed the accommodation. We really enjoyed our stay and felt like family and very welcome. Even though it was unusual to sleep on the floor at first, we quickly got used to the luxury of the Ondol. The accommodation was adequate, clean and beautiful. Thank you again for the wonderful food and your commitment to introducing guests to Korean food culture. It was also wonderful to meet other guests at the guesthouse and to exchange contacts. Korea is a wonderful country where we felt very much at home and welcome. Ultimately, this was also thanks to you.
We miss our time in Korea and would love to return as soon as possible. Is it possible to be homesick for a country you've only been in for such a shot time? We certainly do. We often think back to this wonderful October.
With this in mind, as promised, a small parcel with the chocolates that you enjoyed so much and a few Christmas sweets from Germany. We wish you a peaceful and reflective Christmas time. Stay care and healthy.

곧 뵙겠습니다. 
Lolly  , 롤리와 가족


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