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Subject [review] A delightful hanok house with the kindest hosts. Date 22.01.05
Writer Marcus (UK) Search 242

This is an utterly charming place to stay in a great location in the heart of Seoul, perfectly located for exploring many of the city highlights. We have stayed in hotels in Seoul before, but this is an entirely different experience, as the hosts Mrs. Lee and Mr Shen really go out of their way to make you feel at home.

It's important to understand that you are actually staying in their house - which is a beautiful and traditional hanok house. For me, sleeping on the futon on the floor with the gentle warmth coming up through the floor was a blissful experience, but Westerners should be prepared for that - it is a different experience to sleeping in a "normal" bed, but this is one of the many reasons why you should consider staying here and not in a boring hotel, as this is how you will experience something of traditional Korean life.

As many others have said, a real highlight is the breakfast lovingly prepared by Mrs. Lee with great pride and attention to detail. Again, this is a huge contrast to what you would get in a typical hotel - so much better and more satisfying in every way! The house is perfectly clean and neat, yet retaining its lived-in and personal charm that you will not find in any hotel. Mrs.Lee and Mr Shen are truly lovely people who are just wonderful, kind hosts. If you want to feel at home in the heart of Seoul with some wonderful hosts, this is the place to be. < booking.com / 12.5, 2021>                                

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